Why does boric acid cause watery discharge? Boric acid is a white powder that interferes with the life cycle of fungi, specifically Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. It makes yeast less infectious and can help prevent recurrent infections.
Does boric acid help with fishy smell?
Many people have heard of boric acid, but it’s often overlooked as a possible treatment for yeast infection. In fact, it’s a common alternative treatment that doctors may recommend as a second line of defense when antifungal medications haven’t been effective or the infection recurs.
BV Infections
Bacterial vaginosis is a common and often difficult-to-treat vaginal infection that’s usually caused by a change in your vaginal pH, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The infection is usually treated with antibiotics, but it can still return after a course of treatment, which can be frustrating.
Yeast infections can also be triggered by trichomoniasis, an infection of the genitals, bladder and lungs. This condition can be caused by an overgrowth of a bacteria called trichomonas, and it’s often resistant to antibiotics.
Pregnancy and Boric Acid
If you’re pregnant or planning to become one, don’t use boric acid. It’s toxic to the developing fetus and can cause vaginal irritation in women with vulvar skin conditions.
It’s important to consult a doctor before using boric acid suppositories, as the medicine is not FDA-approved for use during pregnancy and is not recommended for children. Keep boric acid suppositories in their foil pouches until you’re ready to use them, and always follow the instructions on the package.