A career in life insurance is highly rewarding – you’re helping protect people from financial ruin and it’s a relatively recession proof and high paying industry. However, becoming a life insurance agent is not an easy undertaking. Before you can write provincial certification exams that will lead to a license, you must first complete and pass the 4 modules of the LLQP course.
LLQP are designed to help prepare you for the licensing exam by covering all of the necessary topics required to become an insurance agent. This includes learning the skills and knowledge you need to recommend individual life, accident and sickness insurance, as well as insurance-related investment products such as segregated funds and annuities.
LLQP Decoded: Navigating the Path to a Successful Insurance Career
In developing the LLQP curriculum, CCIR and CISRO consulted with education professionals, and received input from other regulators and insurers. They developed a Design Document[1] that listed specific educational objectives and competencies. The measurable objectives are presented in a matrix and the number (1-6) after each objective represents the cognitive or difficulty level of the objective.
Once you’ve successfully passed all of the LLQP module exams, your course provider will enter your results in the Canadian Insurance Participant Registry (CIPR) which confirms your final exam scores. This will then allow you to apply with your provincial regulator to write your LLQP certification exam.